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Banque et Finance: Thursday, June 21st 2012

A gateway to 98% of all financial products or 9.5 milllion financial instruments. is a private company and not related to any product issuers. The analysis is system driven and based on factual data.

Hedge Funds8.000
Fund of Funds23.000
Structured Products415.000
Pipeline Products1.000
New Products20.000
Money Markets412.000
Initial Public Offering1.000
Private Equity5.000
Private Placements400.000
Financial Reporting135.000

Top 5 Issuers of Structured Products in March 2012 in Switzerland:

#Issuer NameNb of products
1Bank Vontobel1'603
3Zurcher Kantonalbank656
4EFG Financial Products219
5Bank Julius Bär175

Top 20 underlyings in Structured Products in Switzerland:

#NameNb of products
1SMI Index1'474
2EURO STOXX 50 PR Index1'445
3Roche GS1'404
4Credit Suisse Group N1'268
5ABB N1'257
6Novartis N1'224
7Nestlé N1'210
8Gold fix PM1'043
9Zurich Financial Services AG1'029
10UBS N991
11Holcim N910
12Swiss RE AG892
14S&P 500 Index807
15Syngenta N749
16DAX Index618
17Richemont A Aktien574
18Adecco SA524
19Swiss Life Hldg. N508
20Swatch Group I507

Structured Product Type in March 2012 for Switzerland:

NameNb of products
Warrant with Knock-Out852
Barrier Reverse Convertible515
Discount Certificate53
Bonus Certificate40
Express Certificate40
Reference Entity Certificate with Yield Enhancement32
Tracker Certificate27
Capital Protection Certificate with Coupon22
Outperformance Certificate20
Miscellaneous Participation Certificates9
Reverse Convertible7
Twin-Win Certificate6
Barrier Discount Certificate6
Miscellaneous Yield Enhancement Certificates5
Capital Protection Certificate with Participation4
Miscellaneous Leverage Certificates without Knock-Out2
Miscellaneous Capital Protection Certificates2
Bonus Outperformance Certificate2
Reference Entity Certificate with Conditional Capital Protection1
Barrier Capital Protection Certificate1

Structured Products Innovation

VONCERT OPEN END on the Vontobel Copper-Strategy IndexCH0141500113
VONCERT in CHF on an "Emerging Markets Local Currencies" Bond BasketCH0141499977
Floored Floater on the CHF 3-months LIBOR interest rate with Reference bond Clariant, Minimum Coupon (Floor) of 1.00% p.a.CH0141499639

Structured Products with the highest AVG Buy Volume in March 2012

Barrier Reverse Convertible (European Knock-In)6.75 BVG/SYNN 12CH0123837210Banque Cantonale Vaudoise
Barrier Reverse Convertible (European Knock-In)7.25 BVG/UHR 12CH0123837228Banque Cantonale Vaudoise
Barrier Reverse Convertible (European Knock-In)8 BVG/AIR 12CH0123837236Banque Cantonale Vaudoise
Barrier Reverse Convertible7.10 BVG/ 12CH0123907385Banque Cantonale Vaudoise
Barrier Reverse Convertible9.82 BVG/DD 12 /ZCH0142977286Banque Cantonale Vaudoise
Barrier Reverse Convertible7.28 BVG/APPL 12 /ZCH0143379284Banque Cantonale Vaudoise
Capital Protected Note (capped)RAGRI RBSPLC C 03/14CH0112791980Royal Bank of Scotland
Put-WarrantVTDAEO VON P 12/13CH0122116384Bank Vontobel
Put-WarrantVTDAFD VON P 06/12CH0125194453Bank Vontobel
Put-WarrantVTDAFK VON P 06/12CH0125194511Bank Vontobel
Call-WarrantVTCSBJ VON C 03/12 /ZCH0132117281Bank Vontobel
Kapitalschutz mit Coupon0 ZKB/ 16 /ZCH0132601615Züricher Kantonalbank
Put-WarrantVTDAPS VON P 02/12 /ZCH0142981692Bank Vontobel
Call-WarrantVTDAXJ VON C 04/12 /ZCH0147462870Bank Vontobel
Put-WarrantVTDAJU VON P 04/12 /ZCH0147463100Bank Vontobel
Put-WarrantVTDAXV VON P 05/12 /ZCH0147474263Bank Vontobel
Put-WarrantVTSMAB VON P 01/12 /ZCH0141420569Bank Vontobel
Call-WarrantVTSMVF VON C 02/12 /ZCH0142981049Bank Vontobel
Call-WarrantVTSMCQ VON C 04/12 /ZCH0147462755Bank Vontobel
Put-WarrantVTSMAH VON P 03/12CH0127384052Bank Vontobel
Put-WarrantVTDAXC VON P 06/12CH0147461682Bank Vontobel
Barrier Reverse Convertible (European Knock-In)8.90 BVG/CFR 12CH0124048056Banque Cantonale Vaudoise
Put-WarrantVTDADL VON P 12/12CH0119523956Bank Vontobel
Put-WarrantSMIHY VON P 12/12CH0104756876Bank Vontobel
Call-WarrantVTNOVA VON C 09/12CH0139639485Bank Vontobel
Call-WarrantUBSJG JB C 12/12CH0126644183Bank Julius Bär
Sprinter Warrant PutSBUNN VON P 06/12 /ZCH0148727974Bank Vontobel
Call-WarrantNOZKC ZKB C 06/12CH0124691491Züricher Kantonalbank
Put-WarrantUBSKN ZKB P 06/12CH0129898323Züricher Kantonalbank
Call-WarrantNESKT ZKB C 06/12CH0124691731Züricher Kantonalbank